Take some time each week to pray for our ministry here at Bethlehem and ultimatley the entire Kingdom of God here on earth.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church has been a part of the Hortonville community for over 150 years! For around 140 of those years, we've operated an elementary school. For about the last ten years, we've also operated an Early Learning Center.
Lots has changed over the years, but our mission hasn't. We are a community of people who believe the Good News about Jesus. We exist to gather to hear that message, to grow to know God better through his Word, and to go with that message to people who don't know Jesus.
In 2018, we completed the first phase of our "campus transition plan" with the construction of our new church building on 752 E. Grandview Rd. Our ELC and school remained at our Pine St. campus. The scope of the project was too big to do all at once.
Since 2022, we've begun working on the next phase, moving our educational ministries to our Grandview campus, too.
Our main goal in moving forward with our campus transition plan is to reunite these different areas of ministry on a single campus.
Being on a single campus again will help us better carry out our ministry to our families from infants to elders.
In the fall of 2021, a committee was formed to start researching what it would take to build a new educational facility.
At our June 2022 congregational meeting, the voters approved a plan to spend up to $60,000 to develop specific plans for a new educational facility. Subcommittees have been formed (steering, building, finance, and fundraising) and for the past 1 1/2 years have been hard at work.
This spring, our subcommittees are offering in-depth presentations on what they've found. On Sunday, April 21 at a special congregational meeting, Bethlehem's voters' voted to move forward with three recommendations:
Phase one began with the formation of a committee to look into the feasibility of building a new educational facility at our Grandview campus and the rationale for doing so.
Date | Description |
Five Key Motivators | |
October 2021 | The Project's Purpose |
January 2022 | Why Build? |
February 2022 | What Have We Done So Far? |
March 2022 | What Do You Think? |
April 2022 | Update to Congregation |
Phase two began with the approval of the congregation to a) form steering, building, fundraising, and finance committees to work further on this project and b) spend up to $60,000 making specific plans that will give the congregation the information needed to decide whether to build. The goal of these committees is to present a plan by the June 2023 congregational meeting.
Date | Description | |
November 2023 | What We've Been Up To | |
January 2024 | Building Subcommittee Deep Dive (Slides) | Video Recording (YouTube) |
February 2024 | Finance Subcommittee Deep Dive (Slides) | Video Recording (YouTube) |
March 2024 | Fundraising Subcommittee Deep Dive (Slides) | Video Recording (YouTube) |
April 2024 | Steering Committee Recommendation (Slides) | Video Recording (YouTube) |