Bethlehem Lutheran Ministries Logo

True Cost to Educate

The cost of educating one student at Bethlehem is over $8,000. We are blessed to have a strong and supportive church congregation that helps offset the true cost to educate each child. These savings are passed onto you the parent.

Financial Assistance

Tuition assistance is available to all families who qualify. After prayerful consideration, families may apply for assistance by contacting the principal. Returning families must apply for financial aid by May 31st if they desire to receive it for the following school year.  New families may apply for financial aid upon enrollment in the school.

Our families can also make use of our SCRIP program. 50% of the store's percentage will be credited toward your family's tuition. This can be a great way to use your normal every day purchases and turn it into free money for your tuition payments. More information can be found in our school office. 

Financial Aid Form
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