Bethlehem Lutheran Ministries Logo

Who We Are

We are a group of ordinary people who gather to hear the message of God's extraordinary grace in Jesus. We believe that Jesus is our perfect substitute. He lived for us. He died for us. He rose from the dead. Jesus fills our deepest need to be close to the God who made us.

Bethlehem is a member congregation of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. To learn more about our church body, go to

Our Areas of Ministry

The main way we carry out our mission is by gathering each Sunday for worship and Bible study, but there's a lot more we do to serve the families of our congregation and community.



Our school offers elementary education. Currently we offer 4K-7th grade, with plans to expand 8th grade for the 2024-25 school year. Learn more

Sunday School

Our Sunday school offers Bible lessons for children ages 3 through 2nd grades. Classes are on Sundays from 9:15-10:15am during the school year. From 3rd-8th grade, we offer Youth Bible hour. Learn more


Confirmation Class

Our pastors teach confirmation classes on Wednesday nights from 5-6pm during the school year. These classes are for kids in 7th-8th grade. Reach out to our pastors to enroll. Contact a Pastor

Youth Bible Hour

Youth Bible Hour is a continuation of our Sunday school program for ages 3rd-8th grade. Classes meet on Sundays during the school year from 9:15-10:15am.

Youth Group

Youth group is for kids from 8th-12th grade. The group typically meets during the school year on the 2nd Wednesday of the month for a devotion and activity. Contact Pastor Paustian for more information.


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Sunday morning Bible study is offered during the school year from 9:25-10:15am. Pastors typically lead these classes, which cover a wide variety of topics.

Growth Groups

Growth groups are small groups led by members of the congregation. They typically meet in six-week sessions throughout the year on Monday and Wednesday nights. These groups study the previous week's sermon.

Bible Basics

Bible basics is our adult membership course, but it's open to anybody and everybody. Courses typically start in September, January, and June. Contact a pastor if you'd like to attend.

Women's Bible Study

Women's Bible study meets on the first and third Monday of the month at 1pm to study a variety of topics.


Shut in Visits

Our pastors make monthly visits to those who aren't able to make it to weekly worship. Contact a pastor to be added to the list of visits.

O.W.L.S. (Organization for Wisconsin Lutheran Seniors)

Our OWLS group meets on a monthly basis, usually on a Thursday afternoon to study a variety of topics and enjoy fellowship time. This group is open to anyone 55+ years old. Contact our office to learn more.

Our History

Bethlehem Lutheran Church was founded in 1870, which means our congregation is over 150 years old! We thank God for allowing us to gather, grow, and go together for so many years in this community. Since 1882, we've offered Christian education to our families and community. Since 2011, we've offered childcare, too. Most of our history took place at our campus in downtown Hortonville, but since 2018, we've gathered for weekly worship at a beautiful new facility on Grandview Rd., just a few minutes outside of the village.

Our faith connects us to a much longer history. We are thankful for all the blessings God has given us here at Bethlehem and we look forward to what the future has in store!

Our Mission Partner

Bethlehem is proud to be a mission partner congregation with Truth in Love Ministry ( Truth in Love is a ministry based in Nampa, Idaho that exists to share the Good News about Jesus with Mormons. As part of this partnership we strive to:

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