Yes, bussing is available as long as students live within the Hortonville Area School District and within the Bethlehem bussing lines. Click here to view boundaries.
Yes, after school care is available to students enrolled in Bethlehem Lutheran School. Parents need to enroll separately with our Early Learning Center Director. Click here to get started.
Bethlehem doors open to students at 7:30am. The school day begins at 7:45am and students are excused at 2:45pm.
Yes, Bethlehem offers a hot lunch program. Milk is included with the lunch, but may also be purchased separately for those bringing a lunch from home. The Hortonville Area School District Food Service caters meals to all of our students who choose this option.
There is a school and early learning center newsletter that comes out once per week. It is emailed to parents. Bethlehem's website has an updated calendar and updated reminders.
Yes, in the past Bethlehem has offered cross country, volleyball, basketball, Track and Field, chess club, VEX robotics, forensics, piano, junior choir, hand chimes, among other options. Certain extra-curriculars are dependent upon participation from students.