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Calendar & News

Check here for all your news, calendars,  and documents for the church, Sunday School, Early Learning Center, and school.

Contact Directory

Annual Events


  • Dash Down Nash (September)
  • Fall Festival (October)
  • Veterans Day Program (November)
  • Winterfest (Winter)
  • Easter for Kids  (Before Easter)
  • Spring Fling
  • Church Picnic  (Summer)
  • VBS (Summer)


Check our COMMUNITY EVENTS page for details

Church Header



FVL Reports:

Dec. 2023, March 2024, February 2025

Central America Medical Mission Newsletters:

2024:  August


  • Church Announcements

    No matter who you are, you are always welcome at Bethlehem!


     Labor Day to Memorial Day

     Services are Sundays at 8:00 & 10:30 am and Mondays 6:30pm

    Memorial Day to Labor Day

    Sunday 8 & 10am and Mondays 6:30pm

    Communion is the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month and the Monday that follows them.

    If you're visiting with us on a communion Sunday, please talk to  a pastor before coming up for communion.

    Donation bins for Apple Valley Food Pantry are located under the coat rack at our Grandview campus. Please ensure items are non-perishable and not expired.

    Adult Bible Class

    Bible Class meets on Sundays at 9:20am starting the Sunday after Labor Day until the Sunday before Memorial Day.

    Sunday School/Youth Bible Hour

    Sunday School meets on  Sundays at 9:15am starting the Sunday after Labor Day until the Sunday before Memorial Day each year - for all children ages 3 year old to 14 or 8th grade. 

    Adults can join in Adult Bible Class at 9:20 or pick children up at 10:15am. 

    Registration is available on the Sunday School page in the Church drop down.  Contact The office.  Need not be a church member all children are welcome to attend as often as they are able.

    Offerings/Donations Options

    Options to make donations:

    at church put in collection plate at the door


    1. By mail - Bethlehem Lutheran Church, PO Box 250, Hortonville, 54944 or brought to the office.

    2. Drop box at the school just left of the entrance.

    3. Online consider setting up an automatic payment using your bank’s “Bill Pay” or by going to our Giving Page to offer a one-time or recurring gift.

    • Collections weekly for the Apple Valley food pantry 
    • Last two Sundays per month are special door collections.
    • 1st and 3rd Sundays are communion weekends visitors should speak with a pastor before the service if they are thinking of taking communion

    Communion and Pastor Visits

    Take place on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:30am at the church.

    During the Week

    7&8th Grade Confirmation Class

    Wednesdays at 5pm during the school year


    Wednesdays at 7pm (start after Labor Day until the beginning of May)

    Women's Bible Class

    1st & 3rd Mondays at 1pm at church 1st meeting starting this fall September 23 at 1pm at church.

    Growth Groups not held during Advent and Lent

    Mondays at 7:30pm & Wednesdays at 6pm 

    Bible Basics  - Mondays 5:15pm

  • Bible Classes


    Adult Bible Study meets at 9:25am on Sundays starting September 8th, the Sunday after Labor Day until the Sunday before Memorial Day.

    Sunday School / Youth Bible Hour meets starting September 8  at 9:15am on Sundays  until the Sunday before Memorial Day each year. Children 3 years old to 8th grade are welcome to join us each Sunday.

    Women's Bible Class meets at 1pm on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at church. September -  June

    Growth Groups have two opportunites to meet - Mondays at 7:30pm and Wednesday's at 6pm at the church.  Usually don't meet the weeks of Lent and Advent seasons and for summer

    Bible Basics

    If you would like to understand more of what we believe or are interested in joining our congregation this class is for you.  

  • 2025 LENTEN SERVICES 3:30 & 6:30-pm

    2025 Wednesday Lenten Schedule

    March 12

    "Relying on God's Grace" Ps. 51:7

    Meal:  4:15-6:20pm-Chili Supper

    March 19

    "Removing Our Guilt"  Ps. 51:8-0 

    Meal:  Tacos

    March 26

    "Revealing Our Sinful Nature" Ps 51:5

    Meal:  Sloppy Joe/Spanish Hamburger, fruit,
                   Chips and dessert

    April 2

    "Remembering God's Perfect Demands" Ps. 5:6

    Meal-Pizza/ Salad/ and Sunday Bar

    April 9

    "Recongizing Against Whom We Sin "Ps. 51:3-4

    Meal: Brats, Burgers, Baked Beans


    Everyone is Invited 

    PALM SUNDAY--April 13

    8 and 10:30 am

    HOLY THURSDAY - April 17

    3:30 and 6:30pm

    GOOD FRIDAY-April 18

    3:30 and 8:00pm 

    Both Tennebra Services

     (Service of Darkness)

    EASTER SUNDAY- April 20

    6:30, 8:30, and 10:30 am

    Easter Breakfast served  after 6:30, 8:30 and before 10:30  

  • Bethlehem Scrip Program

    Bethlehem Lutheran School Program

    SCRIP is a good way to help with tuition assistant to the school or indiviual students while doing your everyday purchases.  You can help lower tuition, help another family with their tuition,  and help in tuiton assistance.

    Do you have questions about SCRIP?

    Please contact Scrip Coordinator, Deb Jensen 920-779-6761 Ext. 322

    Online sign up with Scrip is available with payment options.  Most will offer higher earnings to you.  They can be used for immediate use on your phone, ecards, refillables are also available with this option. For more information or to sign up to to

    Scrip orders(with payment) marked "Scrip" on the envelopecan be brought to the office or put in the drop boxes 1- outside the office or 2-outside to the left of  the main entrance doors.  Order forms are in the hallway across from the office door,in church, and below.  Payment must accompany the order

    Enrollment forms are available below.  Online ordering - start by going to You will have an account set up and also be able to order online and do payment from: RaiseRight app  (for our school number please contact the office.)


    SCRIP is gift certificates from national and local retailers like Kwik Trip, Kohl's, grocerie, gas, restaurants, etc. These retailers agree to sell the certificates to us at a discount. Bethlehem families buy the certificates for full face value, redeem them for full face value, and the BLS SCRIP program keeps the percentage earned as revenue. The percentages earned are listed on the order form next to the store information.  You can designate 70% of the rebates (percentage earned) not your total purchase amount, to either lowering your child’s tuition at BLS, help another family with their tuition at BLS, give towards the general tuition fund/building fund.  20% of the rebates are kept by BLS to pay for the expenses of the program and tuition assistance.

    Click on the links below for a SCRIP order form, SCRIP enrollment form, additional information on online payments for SCRIP, and frequently asked questions.  If any other questions contact our Scrip Director Deb Jensen. (in the BLS office Thurs/Fridays 920-779-6761 Ext. 322

    Order Form

    BLS Forms

    Delivery Options

    E-Gift Card Info

    Overview of RaiseRight Scrip

  • Job Opportunities


  • 2025 Confirmation

    April 27, 2025 9:20am Examination of the Confirmands at Church

    May 4, 2025 10:30 Service Confirmation

    during the service

School and ELC Header
  • Chapel Devotions

    Our weekly chapel devotions are held from 8-8:20am on Wednesdays in the school gym. Mission offerings will are collected at each chapel service. Parents are invited to join each week. 


  1. Click the small, down-pointing arrow on the top right of the calendar to choose which of the calendars you want to view.
  2. Click the small, down-pointing arrow a second time to close the selection window.
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