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Divine Genocide?

Pastor Tristan Paustian • July 9, 2020
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Making Sense of the Brutality of the Conquering of Canaan

When reading through the Old Testament, one of the things many non-Christians object to, many former Christians cite as one reason for abandoning Christianity, and many current Christians struggle with (I think we all do, if we’re honest) is the brutality we see. This is especially true with the conquering of Canaan in Joshua and Judges. Why does God command Israel to destroy the people of Canaan? Isn’t this genocide? Even if there are not simple answers, we can all benefit from wrestling with the question.

Is this Genocide?

Genocide is the killing of one group of people by another. It often centers around ethnic differences. The Holocaust involved genocide. The Germans sought to wipe out the Jewish people (and a whole host of other groups). Hitler and his followers believed that Aryans (white, blond, blue eyes) were racially superior to people of other colors and countries. 

At first blush, what happens in Joshua and Judges is barely distinguishable from the genocides of recent history. God tells the Israelites—the descendants of Jacob—to destroy the Canaanites—people of another ethnicity. But as we dig deeper into Scripture (which we have to do if we’re going to really understand what’s going on) it becomes clear that there are some important differences between genocide and what happened in Canaan around 1400 B.C.

Were the Israelites Ethnically, Racially, Morally, Religiously Superior to the Canaanites?

The book of Deuteronomy answers this question. Was Israel better? God bluntly said, “No.” God repeatedly told the Israelites that the reason they were getting the land of Canaan was not because they were in any way superior to the Canaanites. It was grace. All grace. God made a promise to their ancestors and he was keeping it (See Deuteronomy 9:4-6).

The other thing God made clear was that the Canaanites were not just in the wrong place at the wrong time. What happened to them was God's judgment. But the judgment on the Canaanites was not because of their ethnicity. It was because of their idolatry. They were guilty. At some point in their past, they had known the true God, but their ancestors had wandered away from him. God had given them centuries to repent and come back to him, but they had only gotten deeper into slavery to sin and Satan. Read through Leviticus 18 and Deuteronomy 18 and you will hear some graphic examples of what that led to (Leviticus 18:6-30; Deuteronomy 18:9-14).

It was not that Israel was better or that Canaan was worse. It was about God’s mercy and his judgment. In the book of Joshua, there is an account in which the “commander of the armies of the LORD” appeared to Joshua with a drawn sword as he was about to start conquering Canaan. Joshua asked him, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” Do you know what the angel said? “Neither” (Joshua 5:13-15)!

The Lord’s love for people was never limited to Israel, even if he had given them this special purpose and promise. God said to Abraham, "through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed" (Genesis 22:18). The God of the New Testament of whom John says, “God is love” (1 John 4:7-8), is the God of the Old Testament, too. He is the “LORD, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love”. He is the God who shows “love to a thousand generations of those who love [him] and keep [his] commands.” He is also a “jealous God” who punishes “the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate [him]” (Exodus 20).

Normally we think of jealousy in love as a negative trait. In the right context, though, jealousy is really the only appropriate reaction. The book of Judges says that Israel “prostituted themselves to other gods and worshiped them” (Judges 2:17). This was the same sin the Canaanites were guilty of. A husband finds out, for a fact, that his wife is having an affair. Does he say, “Well, better luck next time”? If he does, he does not love his wife! “If lively love was there, he should be upset, he should be jealous, he should be angry. Jealousy is love burst into its proper flame.” (Dale Ralph Davis, “Judges: Such a Great Salvation”, p.38).

God was just as jealous for the people of Canaan as he was for Israel, but they had long ago abandoned him. Their worship of the Baals and Ashtoreths consisted of “sacred prostitution”. After centuries of patience, God, in his jealous anger said, “Enough.” He sent Israel to destroy them.

Why use Israel?

So Israel was not superior. It was Canaan’s sin of idolatry that led God to destroy them. Still, why did God use Israel to do that? Why did God force their armies to go in and annihilate the Canaanites? There are a number of reasons to consider.

1. A Snare To guard Israel from abandoning God themselves.

This is one reason God explicitly laid out to the Israelites. He knew that if the Canaanites and their idolatry were still around, the Israelites would join them (Exodus 23:31-33). When Israel quickly abandoned God, he did not let them drive the Canaanites out so that the Canaanites would become a snare (Judges 2:3). God had intended to guard them, but they would not have it, so God gave them over to more temptation. 

2. The Effects of Idolatry To show Israel the power of Sin.

Throughout the course of Judges, Israel fell into a pattern of increasing idolatry. They abandoned God. He sent an enemy. They cried out. He sent a judge to save them. The judge died. The cycle repeated (Judges 2:19). 

“Why did they always do that? Why could they not break that pattern? It is mysterious; but Judges does teach us that that is the tragic tyranny of sin. Sin is not simply an action you do or fail to do, that you can choose to do or not to do. Sin is a power that holds you in its grip” (Dale Ralph Davis, “Judges”, p.42).

They should have known better! We should know better, too. As they went conquering into Canaan and saw the effects sin had had on the people there, they should have been warned of the dangers of falling for Satan’s lies. They didn’t take that warning seriously.

3. JealousyTo show how God feels about idolatry.

Israel was commanded to wipe out the Canaanites. This was punishment for the Canaanites' idolatry. But it was not like Israel was exempted from punishment themselves if they went the same way. You find this out quickly in Judges. Whenever the Israelites abandoned God, he sent in an enemy to make life miserable for them to try to bring them to their senses.

What happened to the Canaanites was not unusual. It is what ultimately happens to everyone who lives in rebellion against God, whether they call themselves Jewish, Canaanite, or Christian.

The utter destruction of Canaan was not supposed to make Israel happy. The fact that they got the Promised Land was the blessing God gave them, not the fact that they had to wipe out an entire people to do it. The destruction was meant to be a warning to them. “This is where sin leads! Watch out!”
Every act of destruction in the Bible is meant to point out to people that this world is decaying and dying. It has been ever since Adam and Eve sinned way back in the Garden. One day, God is going to put an end to his corrupted creation, and re-form it into a new creation. Who is going to get to enjoy that new and perfect creation? Those who have chosen God over the old creation. Those who would rather have him than sin. That is why so often when the Bible talks about destruction, it connects it to Judgment Day. Jesus did this when he predicted the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world all at the same time (Matthew 24). Every temporary act of God’s judgment warns of a future and final judgment on sin. For the Israelites, the destruction they carried out in Canaan was a warning against idolatry, just like every group of raiders that tormented them throughout the book of Judges. 

God is a jealous God who is serious when he promises judgment on sin. But we should not forget the flip side of this. Why does God give warnings about judgment? Because he does not want us to have to suffer it. He wants us to find rest in his love and not go off looking for some other god to satisfy our deepest needs. He wants us to trust in his mercy given to us in Jesus which frees us from the power of sin that is so devastating when it takes a hold of a life. He wanted the Israelites, and wants us, too, to see where sin leads: no good place. He wants us to know what an incredible, amazing, undeserved blessing it is to live at peace with him and be a part of his people.

I don't know how well you feel this answers the question we started with. In speaking with a non-Christian, I think you will still run into objections, because they will probably wonder why the God of the Bible is so intolerant to other religions. Those objections can ultimately only be answered by faith in the only true God who sent the only true savior. What those people need most of all is to hear the good news about Jesus. I do hope this gives you a place to start thinking about this issue for yourself. We need to wrestle with this, so we can stop apologizing for the God we believe in. God is not apologizing for his jealous love. He does not ask us to, either. In fact, he insists we don't.

“See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.” Hebrews 3:12-14

Pastor BLOG

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A starry night sky
By Pastor Paustian September 21, 2021
What is it you want most in life? What are you most afraid of losing? Abram wanted a son. Abram had good reason to hope for a son. God had specifically promised to give him one. Abram also had “good” reasons to doubt that promise. He was 99 years old. His wife was 89. Abram was afraid. “The word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” (Genesis 15:1) A shield blocks the arrows, spears, and swords that would otherwise kill a soldier. The LORD promised to defend Abram from Satan’s attacks. What Satan most wants to kill is faith in God. Satan whispered to Abram year after year, “God said he would give you a son. Well? Where is he? Do you really think God would keep a promise like that for a person like you?” A son would have been a great reward, but even if God hadn’t given Abram a son, he had someone far greater. He had God—the source of “ every good and perfect gift ” (James 1:17). God is the perfect gift-giver—but the greatest gift is to have him as your friend and Father. Are you afraid? Afraid God might not keep his promises to you? Afraid God might take away that person you could not imagine living life without? You don’t need to be. God loves you so much. I know Satan whispers in your ear, “Does he?” He’s a liar. If God did not love you, he would not have given up his Son, his only Son, whom he loves, for you. He would not have paid such a costly price to forgive your debt to him. Will he give you what you most deeply want in life? I don’t know. Will he take away that person or thing you are most afraid of losing? Yes, one day. But the God who gave you these people and things to love for a time also gave you Jesus and the faith to believe in what Christ did for you on the cross. So you know no matter what you lose, he’s not losing you. Abram was still afraid. So God took him out under the night sky. He had him look up and try to count the stars. “ So shall your offspring be ,” God said (Genesis 15:5). Abram believed God. You believe him, too. By faith, you are one of those stars Abram counted that night. By faith, you are one of Abram's offspring. You are a sign that God has and will always keep his promises. Don’t be afraid. God is your shield, and your very great reward.
I voted stickers scattered on a white surface.
By Pastor Tristan Paustian October 19, 2020
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2 I don’t know if you know this, but there’s an election coming up. Maybe you haven’t noticed the yard signs and flags and calls on social media to vote. Maybe you haven’t been getting the constant phone calls and mailings. You probably have. I’ve heard and seen a lot of political statements lately. A lot of them are mean-spirited. A lot of them misrepresent what the other side is saying. A lot of them are kind of whiny, to be honest. A lot of them are coming from Christians. Now (as always) it’s important to listen carefully to others who disagree with us so we understand what they’re saying. As Christians, we’re well-equipped to listen and love because we know that even if everything appears to be going against us, God is for us. Jesus is ruling over all things for the Church’s good. We’re guaranteed the victory in this battle against Satan, the world, and our sinful nature. Christ called us to love our enemies and pray for those who hate us, and I’m afraid too many Christians are spending too much energy complaining that people out there aren’t Christians, and “ conforming to the pattern of this world ” to get “our” people in positions of power so we can change things. A far better use of our energy is to share the gospel, because the good news about Jesus is the only message that can really change hearts. The gospel is the real source of our world-changing power as Christians. As we look ahead to November, remember that, whether you’re a Republican, or a Democrat, or a Libertarian, or a Constitutionalist (which I just found out is a thing), you’re a Christian first. Do not be conformed—be transformed. For all the crosses the Church carries in this life, there’s a whole lot more glory waiting on the other side. In Jesus, Pastor Paustian
For such a time as this with a yellow background and black text
By Pastor Tristan Paustian July 25, 2020
Over the next couple weeks, I'll be giving you short summaries of information about worshiping during COVID-19. The info I'm giving you is mostly from a report our synod's Congregational Services put together. I'd highly encourage you to take the time to read this report, as it will explain how our congregation and others in our synod are responding to our current situation. You can download it by clicking here (for the original post, go to the WELS website ). So many of our normal activities have come to a screeching halt during this pandemic. As we work to process the frustration and anxiety of so much change and uncertainty, make sure to dedicate time to God's Word and to prayer (and think about counseling , too. It helps!). "Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 God cares for you . He does. Can you believe it? It's crazy, but he does. Just look what he did for you. He gave you Jesus. If he would do that for you, what wouldn't he do?
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Principal BLOG

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woman holding Bible
By Principal May 18, 2020
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The theme for this month “Sent by Christ” echoes the Great Commission outlined in Matthew 28:16-20. We are sent by Christ to share the message of salvation in three distinct ways. First, as parents, we share the message of salvation as we also hear it when we attend worship services together with our children. We share the message when we review with our children their Bible stories and their memory assignments on a daily basis. We also share the message when we have family devotions whether at the beginning or the end of the day. Never underestimate the blessings that come when hearing, learning, and sharing God’s Word with your children. Secondly, we support mission projects and missionaries with our prayers and offerings. You can connect with our WELS Mission Programs through FACEBOOK (Like the WELS Missions Facebook page at for additional photos and updates from our mission fields.) BLOGS (Subscribe to read weekly stories from home and world missionaries at and NEWSLETTERS (Stay up - to- date by subscribing to the biannual Mission Update e-newsletter at Thirdly, we are to make disciples of all nations. This means a personal contact with people inviting them to a Bible Study, a Bible Information Class, or to a worship service. We call this ” Friendship Evangelism”. Share the entire message of Jesus' love with others without fear of embarrassment and without compromise. In all three ways just mentioned we can do this because of Jesus’ promise in vs. 20 “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” God bless you this summer as you are “Sent by Christ’ share the message of salvation.
pink lilies
By Principal April 29, 2020
Job 19:25-27 - I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes-I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! A popular response heard on Easter Sunday morning is…”Christ is risen...He is risen indeed?” This is a wonderful response to the fact that Jesus Christ has shown His power over the devil and because of that we live also. Look again at Job 19:25-27. Job confidently expresses his faith in the coming Savior. He says, “I know that my redeemer lives. I myself will see him with my own eyes - I and not another. How my heart yearns within me!” Job had learned of the true God (Jahweh) Jehovah and lived in a close relationship with Him. As Job looked ahead in faith to seeing His Savior, he could forget his present troubles and in faith see what lay ahead for him after his life on earth had ended. These words express the firm hope of Job’s own bodily resurrection after his death and that hope that has been shared by true believers ever since. Those thoughts of Job are the same for us. Because our Savior lives, we also live. When we die, we will continue to live. That living will take place in heaven which gives us opportunity to shout with joy in our heart, “I know that my redeemer lives!”
By Principal March 4, 2020
Luke 4: 1-13 - Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. The devil said to him, “If you are the son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’” The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.” Jesus answered, “It is written; ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.” The devil then led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” Jesus answered, “it is said; ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time. The words of Luke 4: 1-13 review for us the temptations faced by Jesus after spending forty days in the wilderness. These temptations came from the devil who wanted to ensnare Jesus in his grip and lead Him to sin. But that didn’t happen because as the sinless Son of God, our Savior resisted the temptations of the devil. We, as sinful human beings, are easily tempted and fall victim to the temptations of the big three, “The devil, the world, and our sinful flesh.” This happens over and over again. Try as we might, we cannot resist the temptations of these “big three’. In Matthew 26:41 we are reminded to “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptations. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” To help keep temptations away, to help us overcome temptations, to help us overcome situations which would lead us to sin we need help. That help comes from our Savior Jesus Christ. We hear in Hebrews 2:18, “Because He himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.” So resist the devil’s snares and don’t become overcome by any temptations. Instead ask your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to help fight off the devil’s attacks with the knowledge that He is there for you and will help you in your daily struggles with temptations.
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